i recently faced my first "so any good news?" type querying intrusion. as i stared at the lady who is very close to me actually (relation-wise) i wondered if i should honestly share with her my beliefs on the topic and remind her ive been married all of only 70 days or simply smile sweetly and let her think what she might. i decided (against my better judgement) to speak up, only to have her shake her head at me disappointingly, advising me on the opposite, without even listening to me.
no matter how long you might have been going out, been in love, wanted to get married or even lived together, when you marry, you start again. its a new set of circumstances, a fresh set of ideas, a brand new packaging of everything that you might have always felt and wanted. i believe it becomes so important to be together by yourselves for a while, learn anew or new what the person is all about...figure out shared dreams and projects and ideals and plans...understand first the couple that one must evolve into without losing sense of the individual and rushing headfirst into a unit.